Why Wait???

I've been on a quest. Since April 1st I've been exercising. Actually for about the last year I've been exercising somewhat regularly. Then April 1st I decided to work with a trainer, Doug Slinker. Doug's a great guy, but I still hadn't really "owned" that exercise was important to me.

Until that is, I decided to set a goal. This goal is not about weightloss or dropping a pant size. This goal is about behavior.

I heard the story of Mike Norris, CEO of Talent Secure. Mike was injured a few years ago and basically told he'd never walk again. Mike set out on a quest and not only regained his mobility, but made a commitment to exercise each and EVERY day. Mike travels the world for business and always makes sure that no matter where he is on the planet, based on east coast US time he gets in a workout during each 24 hour time period.

Mike's gone over 1000 days without missing a workout! Isn't that amazing?

So my goal is to workout everyday from Thanksgiving to Christmas 2007. Today is day 19 and I've consistently been able to get in my workouts.

Admittedly, some days are more intense than others - like the days I work out with Doug - but the reality is that I've set a personal goal and I'm working towards it.

What's your goal? What do you think you want to do in the New Year and why are you waiting? Get started now. What are you waiting for?

Remember the best way to eat an elephant is to do so one bite at a time. Set a behavior goal that will get you to your ultimate goal - whether that goal is to lose 20 pounds or sell 50 houses. You have to create habits and behaviors.

After I hit Christmas, I think I'll shoot for Valentines Day... not a huge jump, but each holiday, each day, and each workout takes me one step closer to my goal.

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