Do something...

I grew up with a lot of positive affirmations. One that resonates with me is, "Do something, even if it is wrong, but by god do something."

I haven't always realized how really powerful that statement is. My dad's point as he would share that with us was really about action. You can't solve a problem by complaining about it so you might as well do something about the problem because doing nothing is getting you nowhere.

When I first started my official mentoring relationship with Cheryl Womack, who if you don't know her off hand just Google her name and you will be impressed, she continuously asked me a similar question.

You see every two weeks Cheryl gave me two hours of her time to talk through the many challenges I was facing in our business. With each story she would ask me, "So Gina, what are you going to do about it?"

Between my dad and Cheryl I have come to the conclusion that sitting still doesn't work. So, as you ponder the current real estate market and as you find yourself tempted to sit in the office kitchen and participate in the morning gripe session - and you know what I'm talking about - remember these two quotes and change your actions...

Do something... even if it's wrong, but by god do something.
So, what are you going to do about?

Good luck and make it a great day!

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