What's the Goal???

I learned a great lesson this weekend. I'm working on a specific project and frankly I was floundering. I couldn't get my arms around it. I finally asked a friend for help. The first words out of her mouth where, "Gina, what's your goal?"

That was all I needed to help me get my arms around the project and figure out my next steps.

I think so often we go through each day, each appointment and each phone call without really understanding what our specific goal is for that interaction.

If you are having problems or challenges reaching your end game goal, think about the goal you have for each interaction, each sales call, each appointment and make sure you know what you are working towards.

My daddy use to always say, if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. Unfortunately in the sales world you need to know all the stops along the way... just having a BIG goal in mind, does not get you to the end game. You have to know every goal - every possible twist and turn in the road - so that you are prepared for each transaction.

Good luck and goal get 'em.

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