Expose Yourself... To Other Industries

I thought about leaving the title as "Expose Yourself", but thought better of that. I don't mind challenging the norm, but no real need for this post to offend or upset anyone.

I've spent the last two and half days in San Franciso with 70 degree weather and am currently waiting for a flight back home to Kansas City where I hear the temperature is around 20. I'm cold already, but then again, if you don't like the weather in Missouri, stick around it will change.

With that all said let's go back to the topic of this post -- Exposing Yourself to other industries. I came to San Fran to experience the National Auto Dealers Association annual convention. I wanted to see what other industries do at conventions AND to get ideas I can take back to my clients.

I learned that information is KING (or QUEEN) and that he holds the data owns the client. So, with that said, what do you know about your clients? How do you track that information? Do you use a central CRM or Data Management System? Do you keep client data in paper files that sit in your basement? Do you know when a customer's birthday is? What about the anniversary of their home purchase?

S/He who owns the data... wins... if you don't know the details, you are living for the short term.

So with that said, I'm on a mission at Mail Print. We will start collecting more information on our clients. Don't be afraid. It's not about Big Brother, it's about client service. It's about helping our clients by giving them the tools they need when they need them.

S/He who owns the data... wins... aren't you ready to win?

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